Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot
Sasha Grey showed up to the L.A. premiere of the 7th season of Entourage last night (she guest stars this season), and I only bring this up, because I really hope this works out for her. I never heard of her until Soderbergh's The Girlfriend Experience, then of course I immediately downloaded all of her porn. I think she'd much rather sit in hair and makeup all day while being hand delivered pumpkin spice lattes and pretending to want to have sex with Adrian Grenier, that do what's on my hard drive right now. Christ. I swear some of the stuff she does is because her family is right below her chained to the basement floor with caged rabid rats attached to their face while some guy in an executioner's mask is waving around a circular saw and a flare.
Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot
Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot
Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot

Sasha Grey Hot PhotoshootSasha Grey showed up to the L.A. premiere of the 7th season of Entourage last night (she guest stars this season), and I only bring this up, because I really hope this works out for her. I never heard of her until Soderbergh's The Girlfriend Experience, then of course I immediately downloaded all of her porn. I think she'd much rather sit in hair and makeup all day while being hand delivered pumpkin spice lattes and pretending to want to have sex with Adrian Grenier, that do what's on my hard drive right now. Christ. I swear some of the stuff she does is because her family is right below her chained to the basement floor with caged rabid rats attached to their face while some guy in an executioner's mask is waving around a circular saw and a flare.
Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot
Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot
Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot

Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot
Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot
Sasha Grey Hot Photoshoot